Wednesday, April 20, 2011

first post and what I are about

    O.K. i am starting this blog because so many people have asked me to, i am an avid follower simple solar homestead ran by MR. Lamar and he suggested this idea, next is i am no exspert speller, i will do the best i can, this site is being sat up so people can follow me, though this project of what i call micro- homesteading, the idea i have is, to be able for the most part take care myself with very little from the outside, and could keep myself going during hard times be it natural or man-made, this is not a dooms day blog it is here so people can get an idea of how they can set-up a micro- homestead on a small piece of ground, and be able to do it contforably on less than 700.00 a mounth. i am aimming this towards people on low incomes, be it socal security, low paying jobs or disabled. this blog is NOT  for the person who thinks the world is going to end. tommarow it is for the person who just wants to take care of themselfs in these uncertin times, i will be running this idea on a piece of ground that i have measured off  50x 50 foot area, and i have it fenced in, 4 foot high, i have 32 foot trailor inside the fenced area, for housing, heating at this time is propane, more on this later. at this time i have a 15 watt solar systom sat up and running and for now serves my small needs this to will exspand so. i also have a 1000 watt 2 cycle generator to run the trailor, mainly my tower pc and other items it uses, for the large power tools such as skill and table saw  i have a 2200 watt generator as time passes i will be doing prjects so i will need less from the outside and be able to sustain myself  possably my girlfriend and 5 dogs 12 chickens, i am just starting this project and as of this day i have set-up my basic living place and spring has just arrived so HHHHHHere we go, sit back and enjoy this adventer along with me, and trow out any ideas you have stashed away but please keep on topic as best we can                               

1 comment:

  1. Just a thought, but have you ever considered using tools such as hand saws (both crosscut and ripping) and Yankee-type screwdrivers in the place of electrical or pneumatic powered tools. They are quieter and more reliable. Requires more skill on the operators part though.
